cwlVersion: v1.2 $namespaces: s: cwltool: $graph: - class: CommandLineTool id: 2s3 baseCommand: python arguments: - /opt/ - --endpoint - valueFrom: $( inputs.endpoint ) - --access_key - valueFrom: $( inputs.access_key ) - --secret_key - valueFrom: $( inputs.secret_key ) - --bucket - valueFrom: $( inputs.bucket ) - --endpoint - valueFrom: $( inputs.endpoint ) - valueFrom: $( function () { if (inputs.region) { return ["--region", inputs.region]; } else { return []; } }()) - valueFrom: $( function () { if (inputs.base_path) { return ["--base_path", `${inputs.base_path}_${new Date().toISOString().replace(/:/g, '').replace(/\-/g, '').split('.')[0]}`]; } else { return []; } }()) - valueFrom: $( function () { if (inputs.session_token) { return ["--session_token", inputs.session_token]; } else { return []; } }()) - valueFrom: $( function () { if(inputs.files) { var files_array = []; Object.keys(inputs.files).forEach(function (element) { files_array.push('--file'); files_array.push(inputs.files[element]); }); return files_array; } else { return []; } }()) - valueFrom: $( function () { if(inputs.directories) { var directories_array = []; Object.keys(inputs.directories).forEach(function (element) { directories_array.push('--directory'); directories_array.push(inputs.directories[element]); }); return directories_array; } else { return []; } }()) - valueFrom: $( function () { if(inputs.file) { return ['--file', inputs.file]; } else { return []; } }()) - valueFrom: $( function () { if( { return ['--directory',]; } else { return []; } }()) inputs: endpoint: type: string? doc: S3 storage endpoint region: type: string? doc: S3 storage region access_key: type: string? doc: S3 storage access_key secret_key: type: string? doc: S3 storage secret_key session_token: type: string? doc: S3 storage region bucket: type: string? doc: S3 storage bucket base_path: type: string? doc: S3 storage final directory name files: type: File[]? doc: Multiple files to upload directories: type: Directory[]? doc: Multiple directories to upload directory: type: Directory? doc: Single directory to upload file: type: File? doc: Single file to upload outputs: base_path: type: string requirements: NetworkAccess: networkAccess: true ResourceRequirement: {} InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} DockerRequirement: dockerPull: hints: "cwltool:Secrets": secrets: [access_key,secret_key,session_token] s:name: 2s3 s:description: Uploads files and/or folders to a S3 bucket storage. s:keywords: - s3 - storage s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 0.1.0 s:publisher: class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: s:address: class: s:PostalAddress s:addressCountry: PT s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: s:address: class: s:PostalAddress s:addressCountry: PT s:author: - class: s:Person s:name: Miguel Correia s:email: s:codeRepository: s:dateCreated: "2025-03-10T11:19:38Z"