cwlVersion: v1.2 $namespaces: s: cwltool: $graph: - class: Workflow id: oilspill_pipeline_medslik_148 doc: Oil Spill Detection and Analysis Pipeline 1-2-3-4, Medslik forecasting inputs: use_case_directory: doc: Path to directory as a string where to find input files and where to store outputs type: string bbox: doc: Bounding box for image search type: string? start_date: doc: Start date for data search type: string? time_interval: doc: Time interval (n of days) for data search type: float? end_date: doc: End date for data search type: string? verbose: doc: Enable verbose logging type: boolean? debug: doc: Enable debug mode type: boolean? asf_username: type: string asf_password: type: string cont_slick: type: string default: "NO" sat: type: string default: "NO" min_lon: type: float default: 24.069118741783797 max_lon: type: float default: 24.990341065648366 min_lat: type: float default: 35.09663196120557 max_lat: type: float default: 35.990635331961315 lat_point: type: float default: 35.496 lon_point: type: float default: -15.7433 date_spill: type: string default: "2024-11-07T06:22:00Z" spill_dur: type: string spill_res: type: string spill_tons: type: float default: 1.4 username: type: string password: type: string ftp_server: type: string ftp_user: type: string ftp_password: type: string remote_dir: type: string steps: step_data_search: in: bbox: bbox use_case_directory: use_case_directory start_date: start_date time_interval: time_interval end_date: end_date verbose: verbose debug: debug asf_username: asf_username asf_password: asf_password run: "#datasearch_tool" out: - results - sentinel_list step_preprocessing: in: use_case_directory: step_data_search/results sentinel_list: step_data_search/sentinel_list verbose: verbose debug: debug run: "#preprocessing_tool" out: - results - db_list step_object_detection: in: use_case_directory: step_preprocessing/results db_list: step_preprocessing/db_list verbose: verbose debug: debug run: "#object_detection_tool" out: - results - png_output_path - csv_output_path step_segmentation: in: use_case_directory: step_object_detection/results sentinel_list: step_data_search/sentinel_list png_output_path: step_object_detection/png_output_path csv_output_path: step_object_detection/csv_output_path verbose: verbose debug: debug run: "#segmentation_tool" out: - results # This contains the .tif file in SAT/ step_medslik: in: use_case_directory: step_segmentation/results cont_slick: cont_slick sat: sat min_lon: min_lon max_lon: max_lon min_lat: min_lat max_lat: max_lat lat_point: lat_point lon_point: lon_point date_spill: date_spill spill_dur: spill_dur spill_res: spill_res spill_tons: spill_tons username: username password: password ftp_server: ftp_server ftp_password: ftp_password ftp_user: ftp_user remote_dir: remote_dir results: step_segmentation/results run: "#medslik_tool" out: - results outputs: pipeline_output: type: Directory outputSource: step_medslik/results s:name: Sentinel-1 Oil Spill Object Detection Pipeline 1-2-3-4 s:description: Sentinel-1 Oil Spill Object Detection Pipeline using Deep Learning tecniques s:keywords: - oil spill - SAR - Sentinel-1 - deep learning - object detection s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: MEEO SRL s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: FORTH s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Sabrina Outmani - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Noemi Fazzini s:dateCreated: "2024-12-01" s:temporalCoverage: "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/" s:spatialCoverage: class: s:GeoShape s:box: "-90 -180 90 180" s:license: s:citation: "" - class: CommandLineTool id: datasearch_tool baseCommand: - /srv/miniconda3/envs/oilspill001/bin/python - -m - oilspill001.main arguments: - valueFrom: "$(inputs.bbox)" prefix: "--bbox" - --use-case-directory - valueFrom: "$(inputs.use_case_directory)" - --start-date - valueFrom: "$(inputs.start_date)" - valueFrom: "$(inputs.time_interval)" prefix: "--time-interval" - valueFrom: "$(inputs.end_date)" prefix: "--end-date" - valueFrom: "$(inputs.verbose)" prefix: "--verbose" - valueFrom: "$(inputs.debug)" prefix: "--debug" - --asf-username - valueFrom: "$(inputs.asf_username)" - --asf-password - valueFrom: "$(inputs.asf_password)" inputs: bbox: type: string? doc: Bounding box for image search s:name: Bounding Box s:description: Optional bounding box to restrict the image search. use_case_directory: type: string doc: Directory where to find input files and store outputs s:name: Use Case Directory s:description: Directory to store input and output files. start_date: type: string? doc: Start date for data search s:name: Start Date s:description: The start date to search for data. time_interval: type: int? doc: Time interval (n of days) for data search s:name: Time Interval s:description: Number of days for the data search interval. end_date: type: string? doc: End date for data search s:name: End Date s:description: The end date for data search (optional). verbose: type: boolean? doc: Enable verbose logging s:name: Verbose Logging s:description: Flag to enable verbose logging. debug: type: boolean? doc: Enable debug mode s:name: Debug Mode s:description: Flag to enable debug mode for additional logging. asf_username: type: string doc: Username for ASF s:name: ASF Username s:description: Username for the ASF platform authentication. asf_password: type: string doc: Password for ASF s:name: ASF Password s:description: Password for the ASF platform authentication. outputs: results: type: Directory outputBinding: glob: $(inputs.use_case_directory) sentinel_list: type: File outputBinding: glob: $(inputs.use_case_directory)/raw_sentinel/sentinel_paths.txt requirements: - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: - class: NetworkAccess networkAccess: true - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement s:name: Sentinel-1 Oil Spill Detection Data Search s:description: ASF search for SAR images from Sentinel-1 s:keywords: - oil spill - SAR - Sentinel-1 - ASF s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: MEEO SRL s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: FORTH s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: s:author: - class: s:Person s:name: Sabrina Outmani s:email: - class: s:Person s:name: Noemi Fazzini s:email: s:dateCreated: "2024-12-01" s:temporalCoverage: "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/" s:spatialCoverage: class: s:GeoShape s:box: "-90 -180 90 180" s:codeRepository: s:license: s:citation: "" - class: CommandLineTool id: preprocessing_tool baseCommand: - /srv/miniconda3/envs/oilspill002/bin/python - -m - oilspill002.main arguments: - --use-case-directory - valueFrom: "$(inputs.use_case_directory.path)" - --sentinel-list - valueFrom: "$(inputs.sentinel_list.path)" - valueFrom: | ${ return inputs.verbose ? '--verbose' : ''; } shellQuote: false - valueFrom: | ${ return inputs.debug ? '--debug' : ''; } shellQuote: false inputs: use_case_directory: type: Directory doc: Directory where to find input files and store outputs s:name: Use Case Directory s:description: Directory to store input and output files. sentinel_list: type: File doc: .txt file containing sentinel data paths (output from application package 1) - sentinel_paths.txt s:name: Sentinel list file s:description: Text file containing sentinel data paths (output from application package 1) - sentinel_paths.txt verbose: type: boolean? doc: Enable verbose logging s:name: Verbose Logging s:description: Flag to enable verbose logging. debug: type: boolean? doc: Enable debug mode s:name: Debug Mode s:description: Flag to enable debug mode for additional logging. outputs: results: type: Directory outputBinding: glob: $(inputs.use_case_directory.path) db_list: type: File outputBinding: glob: $(inputs.use_case_directory.path)/intermediate_dir/db_paths.txt requirements: - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - entryname: $(inputs.use_case_directory.basename) entry: $(inputs.use_case_directory) writable: true - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: - class: NetworkAccess networkAccess: true - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement s:name: Sentinel-1 Oil Spill Detection Pipeline Preprocessing Tool s:description: Pre-processing of SAR images from Sentinel-1 s:keywords: - oil spill - SAR - Sentinel-1 - snappy s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: MEEO SRL s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: FORTH s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Sabrina Outmani - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Noemi Fazzini s:dateCreated: "2024-12-01" s:temporalCoverage: "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/" s:spatialCoverage: class: s:GeoShape s:box: "-90 -180 90 180" s:license: s:citation: "" - class: CommandLineTool id: object_detection_tool baseCommand: - /srv/miniconda3/envs/oilspill003/bin/python - -m - oilspill003.main arguments: - --use-case-directory - valueFrom: "$(inputs.use_case_directory.path)" - --db-list - valueFrom: "$(inputs.db_list.path)" - valueFrom: | ${ return inputs.range ? '--range' : ''; } shellQuote: false - valueFrom: | ${ return inputs.verbose ? '--verbose' : ''; } shellQuote: false - valueFrom: | ${ return inputs.debug ? '--debug' : ''; } shellQuote: false inputs: use_case_directory: type: Directory doc: Directory where to find input files and store outputs s:name: Use Case Directory s:description: Directory to store input and output files. db_list: type: File doc: .txt file containing paths of preprocessed sentinel-1 images (output from application package 2) - db_paths.txt s:name: Db list file s:description: .txt file containing paths of preprocessed sentinel-1 images (output from application package 2) - db_paths.txt range: type: string? doc: optional range 0-100 for image contrast enhancement s:name: Range s:description: optional range 0-100 for image contrast enhancement verbose: type: boolean? doc: Enable verbose logging s:name: Verbose Logging s:description: Flag to enable verbose logging. debug: type: boolean? doc: Enable debug mode s:name: Debug Mode s:description: Flag to enable debug mode for additional logging. outputs: results: type: Directory outputBinding: glob: $(inputs.use_case_directory.path) png_output_path: type: File outputBinding: glob: $(inputs.use_case_directory.path)/intermediate_dir/png_paths.txt csv_output_path: type: File outputBinding: glob: $(inputs.use_case_directory.path)/intermediate_dir/csv_paths.txt requirements: - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - entryname: $(inputs.use_case_directory.basename) entry: $(inputs.use_case_directory) writable: true - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: - class: NetworkAccess networkAccess: true - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement s:name: Sentinel-1 Oil Spill Object Detection Pipeline s:description: Deep learning model designed for detecting oil spill signals globally from pre-processedSAR images from Sentinel-1. s:keywords: - oil spill - SAR - Sentinel-1 - deep learning - object detection s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: MEEO SRL s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: FORTH s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Sabrina Outmani - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Noemi Fazzini s:dateCreated: "2024-12-01" s:temporalCoverage: "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/" s:spatialCoverage: class: s:GeoShape s:box: "-90 -180 90 180" s:license: s:citation: "" - class: CommandLineTool id: segmentation_tool baseCommand: - /srv/miniconda3/envs/oilspill004/bin/python - -m - oilspill004.main arguments: - --use-case-directory - valueFrom: "$(inputs.use_case_directory.path)" - --sentinel-list - valueFrom: "$(inputs.sentinel_list.path)" - --png-output-path - valueFrom: "$(inputs.png_output_path.path)" - --csv-output-path - valueFrom: "$(inputs.csv_output_path.path)" - valueFrom: | ${ return inputs.delete ? '--delete' : ''; } shellQuote: false - valueFrom: | ${ return inputs.verbose ? '--verbose' : ''; } shellQuote: false - valueFrom: | ${ return inputs.debug ? '--debug' : ''; } shellQuote: false inputs: use_case_directory: type: Directory doc: Directory where to find input files and store outputs s:name: Use Case Directory s:description: Directory to store input and output files. sentinel_list: type: File doc: .txt file containing sentinel data paths (output from application package 1) - sentinel_paths.txt s:name: Sentinel list file s:description: Text file containing sentinel data paths (output from application package 1) - sentinel_paths.txt png_output_path: type: File doc: .txt file containing png data paths (output from application package 3) - png_paths.txt s:name: Png list file s:description: Text file containing sentinel data paths (output from application package 3) - png_paths.txt csv_output_path: type: File doc: .txt file containing csv data paths (output from application package 3) - csv_paths.txt s:name: Csv list file s:description: Text file containing sentinel data paths (output from application package 3) - csv_paths.txt delete: type: boolean? doc: Enable deletion of generated auxiliary files s:name: s:description: Enable deletion of generated auxiliary files verbose: type: boolean? doc: Enable verbose logging s:name: Verbose Logging s:description: Flag to enable verbose logging. debug: type: boolean? doc: Enable debug mode s:name: Debug Mode s:description: Flag to enable debug mode for additional logging. outputs: results: type: Directory outputBinding: glob: "$(inputs.use_case_directory.path)" requirements: - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - entryname: $(inputs.use_case_directory.basename) entry: $(inputs.use_case_directory) writable: true - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: - class: NetworkAccess networkAccess: true - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement s:name: Sentinel-1 Oil Spill Detection and Segmentation Pipeline s:description: Deep learning model for detection and segmentation oil spills in Sentinel-1 SAR images. s:keywords: - oil spill - SAR - Sentinel-1 - deep learning - segmentation s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: MEEO SRL s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: FORTH s:url: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Sabrina Outmani - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Noemi Fazzini s:dateCreated: "2024-12-01" s:temporalCoverage: "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/" s:spatialCoverage: class: s:GeoShape s:box: "-90 -180 90 180" s:license: s:citation: "" - class: CommandLineTool id: medslik_tool baseCommand: - /opt/miniconda3/envs/application/bin/python - /opt/MEDSLIK/ arguments: - --use_case_directory - $(inputs.use_case_directory.path) - --cont_slick - $(inputs.cont_slick) - --sat - $(inputs.sat) - --min_lon - $(inputs.min_lon) - --max_lon - $(inputs.max_lon) - --min_lat - $(inputs.min_lat) - --max_lat - $(inputs.max_lat) - --lat_point - $(inputs.lat_point) - --lon_point - $(inputs.lon_point) - --date_spill - $(inputs.date_spill) - --spill_dur - $(inputs.spill_dur) - --spill_res - $(inputs.spill_res) - --spill_tons - $(inputs.spill_tons) - --username - $(inputs.username) - --password - $(inputs.password) - --ftp_server - $(inputs.ftp_server) - --ftp_user - $(inputs.ftp_user) - --ftp_password - $(inputs.ftp_password) - --remote_dir - $(inputs.remote_dir) inputs: use_case_directory: type: Directory doc: Directory where to find input files and store outputs s:name: Use Case Directory s:description: Directory to store input and output files. cont_slick: type: string default: "NO" sat: type: string default: "NO" min_lon: type: float default: 24.069118741783797 max_lon: type: float default: 24.990341065648366 min_lat: type: float default: 35.09663196120557 max_lat: type: float default: 35.990635331961315 lat_point: type: float default: 35.496 lon_point: type: float default: -15.7433 date_spill: type: string default: "2024-11-07T06:22:00Z" spill_dur: type: string spill_res: type: string spill_tons: type: float default: 1.4 username: type: string password: type: string ftp_server: type: string ftp_user: type: string ftp_password: type: string remote_dir: type: string outputs: results: outputBinding: glob: "$(runtime.outdir)/OUT/" type: Directory doc: All results requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: antonisparasyris/iliad:medslik-4.0 - class: EnvVarRequirement envDef: PATH: /opt/miniconda3/envs/application/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin - class: NetworkAccess networkAccess: true hints: "cwltool:Secrets": secrets: [username, password, ftp_server, ftp_password] s:name: medslik s:softwareVersion: 0.1.0 s:description: medslik s:keywords: - medslik - oil spill s:programmingLanguage: python s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: FORTH s:url: s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Antonios Parasyris s:mantainer: - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Vassiliki Metheniti s:contributor: - class: s:Person s:name: Miguel Correia s:email: s:codeRepository: s:dateCreated: "2025-01-27T16:00:00Z"