$graph: - class: Workflow id: ades_net inputs: url: type: string label: domain doc: domain to test steps: step_1: run: '#net' in: url: url out: - results outputs: - id: wf_outputs outputSource: - step_1/results type: Directory s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:name: NET CONNECTION s:description: This tool tests the connection to a given domain. s:keywords: - net - connection s:programmingLanguage: Python s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: https://inesctec.pt s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: kspanoudaki@gmail.com s:name: Katerina Spanoudaki s:contributor: - class: s:Person s:email: miguel.r.correia@inesctec.pt s:name: Miguel Correia s:codeRepository: https://pipe-drive.inesctec.pt/cwl/net.cwl #Currently not available s:dateCreated: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z/2023-12-31T23:59:59Z" #Date to be confirmed s:license: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT #Dummy license s:temporalCoverage: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z/2023-12-31T23:59:59Z" #Date to be confirmed - baseCommand: net class: CommandLineTool id: net arguments: - valueFrom: $( function () { if (inputs.url) { return ["--url", inputs.url]; } else { return []; } }()) inputs: url: type: string? doc: domain to test outputs: results: outputBinding: glob: . type: Directory requirements: NetworkAccess: networkAccess: true EnvVarRequirement: envDef: PATH: /srv/conda/envs/model-env/bin:/srv/conda/bin:/srv/conda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin ResourceRequirement: {} InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} DockerRequirement: dockerPull: iliad-repository.inesctec.pt/net:1.0.0 s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:name: NET CONNECTION s:description: This tool tests the connection to a given domain. s:keywords: - net - connection s:programmingLanguage: Python s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: https://inesctec.pt s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: kspanoudaki@gmail.com s:name: Katerina Spanoudaki s:contributor: - class: s:Person s:email: miguel.r.correia@inesctec.pt s:name: Miguel Correia s:codeRepository: https://pipe-drive.inesctec.pt/cwl/net.cwl #Currently not available s:dateCreated: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z/2023-12-31T23:59:59Z" #Date to be confirmed s:license: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT #Dummy license s:temporalCoverage: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z/2023-12-31T23:59:59Z" #Date to be confirmed cwlVersion: v1.2 $namespaces: s: https://schema.org/ schemas: - http://schema.org/version/9.0/schemaorg-current-http.rdf s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:name: NET CONNECTION s:description: This tool tests the connection to a given domain.