$graph: - class: Workflow id: openoil_pipeline doc: Animation of an oil spill with openoil inputs: lat: type: float doc: The latitude of the study area s:name: Input lat float s:description: The latitude of the study area s:keywords: - lat - float lon: type: float doc: The longitude of the study area s:name: Input lon float s:description: The longitude of the study area s:keywords: - lon - float time: type: string doc: The start time of the simulation s:name: Input time string s:description: The start time of the simulation. Type dd-mm-yyyy s:keywords: - time - string # %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S # https://strftime.org/ oiltype: type: string doc: The type of the oil to run the simulation s:name: Input oiltype string s:description: The type of the oil to run the simulation s:keywords: - oiltype - string duration: type: int doc: The simulation duration s:name: Input duration int s:description: The simulation duration s:keywords: - duration - int steps: step_1: run: https://pipe-drive.inesctec.pt/cwl/openoil_separated/simulation.cwl#openoil in: lat: lat lon: lon time: time oiltype: oiltype duration: duration out: - simulation - metadata step_2: run: https://pipe-drive.inesctec.pt/cwl/openoil_separated/animation.cwl#animation in: file: step_1/simulation out: - animation step_3: run: https://pipe-drive.inesctec.pt/cwl/openoil_separated/2stac.cwl#2stac in: result: step_2/animation metadata: step_1/metadata out: - results outputs: - id: wf_outputs outputSource: - step_3/results type: Directory s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:name: openOil model s:description: Simulation of oil spill s:keywords: - oil spill - openoil - opendrift s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: INESCTEC s:url: https://inesctec.pt - class: s:Organization s:name: D.U.TH s:url: https://env.duth.gr s:author: - class: s:Person s:name: Georgios Sylaios s:email: gsylaios@env.duth.gr - class: s:Person s:name: Nikolaos Kokkos s:email: nikolaoskokkos@gmail.com s:contributor: - class: s:Person s:name: Miguel Correia s:email: miguel.r.correia@inesctec.pt # s:id: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7681-6415 s:codeRepository: https://pipe-drive.inesctec.pt/cwl/openoil_animation.cwl s:dateCreated: "2023-04-21" s:programmingLanguage: python s:license: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT s:temporalCoverage: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z/2023-12-31T23:59:59Z" #Date to be confirmed cwlVersion: v1.2 $namespaces: s: https://schema.org/ schemas: - http://schema.org/version/9.0/schemaorg-current-http.rdf s:softwareVersion: 1.0.10 s:name: openOil model s:description: Simulation of oil spill