#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner $graph: - class: Workflow doc: Download of metoceanographic data inputs: forecast: doc: forecast for the model type: int s:description: forecast for the model s:keywords: - int - forecast s:name: Hindcast hindcast: doc: Hindcast for the model type: int s:description: Hindcast for the model s:keywords: - int - Hindcast s:name: Hindcast roms_password: doc: Password for Motuclient Download type: string s:description: Password for Motuclient Download s:keywords: - string - password s:name: Motuclient Password roms_username: doc: Username for Motuclient Download type: string s:description: Username for Motuclient Download s:keywords: - string - username s:name: Motuclient Username timenow: doc: Simulation start date. If none is provided, today is used as reference type: string s:description: Simulation start date. If none is provided, today is used as reference s:keywords: - string - start - date s:name: Simulation start date outputs: roms_output: type: Directory outputSource: run_roms/roms_output steps: download_data: in: forecast: forecast hindcast: hindcast roms_password: roms_password roms_username: roms_username timenow: timenow run: '#download_data' out: - roms_directory run_roms: in: forecast: forecast hindcast: hindcast roms_directory: download_data/roms_directory timenow: timenow run: '#run_roms' out: - roms_output id: download_metoceanographic_data s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: miguel.delgado@hidromod.com s:name: Miguel Delgado - class: s:Person s:email: joao.ribeiro@hidromod.com s:name: João Ribeiro s:contributor: - class: s:Person s:email: joao.ribeiro@hidromod.com s:name: João Ribeiro - class: s:Person s:email: miguel.delgado@hidromod.com s:name: Miguel Delgado s:description: ROMS Tunisia s:keywords: - roms - tunisia s:name: ROMS Tunisia s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: Hidromod s:url: https://hidromod.com/ - class: CommandLineTool requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: ShellCommandRequirement - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: hidromodadmin/iliad_roms_tunisia:1.0.0 - class: NetworkAccess networkAccess: true - class: LoadListingRequirement loadListing: deep_listing inputs: forecast: type: int hindcast: type: int roms_password: type: string roms_username: type: string timenow: type: string outputs: roms_directory: type: Directory outputBinding: glob: $("roms") baseCommand: - /bin/bash - -c arguments: - valueFrom: | "/move_struct.sh $(runtime.outdir)"; python3 /model/RomsOP.py --type preparation --forecast $(inputs.forecast) --hindcast $(inputs.hindcast) \ --roms_password $(inputs.roms_password) --roms_username $(inputs.roms_username) --timenow $(inputs.timenow); shellQuote: false id: download_data s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: joao.ribeiro@hidromod.com s:name: João Ribeiro s:contributor: - class: s:Person s:email: miguel.delgado@hidromod.com s:name: Miguel Delgado s:description: Download a preparation of executable to be used when executing ROMS s:keywords: - roms - tunisia - preparation s:name: Preparation of ROMS Model s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: Hidromod s:url: https://hidromod.com/ - class: CommandLineTool requirements: - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - entryname: roms writable: true entry: $(inputs.roms_directory) - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: hidromodadmin/iliad_roms_tunisia:1.0.0 - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: NetworkAccess networkAccess: true inputs: forecast: type: int hindcast: type: int roms_directory: type: Directory timenow: type: string outputs: roms_output: type: Directory outputBinding: glob: roms/[0-9]* baseCommand: - /bin/bash - -c arguments: - valueFrom: | python3 /model/RomsOP.py --type execution --forecast $(inputs.forecast) --hindcast $(inputs.hindcast) --timenow $(inputs.timenow); shellQuote: false id: run_roms s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: joao.ribeiro@hidromod.com s:name: João Ribeiro s:contributor: - class: s:Person s:email: miguel.delgado@hidromod.com s:name: Miguel Delgado s:description: Execution of ROMS model with data from the preparation s:keywords: - roms - tunisia - execution s:name: Execution of ROMS Model s:programmingLanguage: python s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0 s:sourceOrganization: - class: s:Organization s:name: Hidromod s:url: https://hidromod.com/ $namespaces: ogc: http://www.opengis.net/def/media-type/ogc/1.0/ s: https://schema.org/ cwlVersion: v1.2 s:description: Download metacinematographic data s:name: download metacinematographic data s:softwareVersion: 1.0.0